Office of Radio & Television - Bringing Good News to Life WJMJ... Catholic Radio, Where Faith Meets Life
Blessed Assurance Oberammergau Postponed
88.9 FM, HD-1, HD-2 and HD-3 - Hartford
93.1 FM - Hamden
107.1 FM - New Haven

WJMJ is a service of ORTV, Inc.
The Radiothon is Coming!  The Radiothon is Coming!
WJMJ Radio is gearing up for our Spring Radiothon to be held from May 28 to June 1, 2020.  WJMJ is the Catholic radio station in the Archdiocese of Hartford that plays great music with live announcers and provides inspirational messages you won’t find anywhere else, plus local, national and religious news and local weather you may or may not find on commercial radio stations, all without those annoying commercials!

Help keep this great station on the air.  WJMJ Catholic Radio, Where Faith Meets Life®


Event Announcements

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Meet the Crew


Our Mission

About WJMJ

WJMJ Radio is an educational, non-commercial FM radio station licensed to Saint Thomas Seminary and is operated by ORTV, Inc.  WJMJ was founded in 1976 by the late Archbishop John F. Whealon as the first archdiocesan operated radio station in the United States, and was the result of a vision brought forth by the Second Vatican Council.  It was Archbishop Whealon's goal to create a radio station that would offer the Good News of Christ to a wider listening audience through a format of inspiring messages and pleasant music.  WJMJ's first broadcast was on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1976.

On October 5, 2018, Archbishop Leonard P. Blair pressed the button that raised the transmission power of the station's new transmitter to 100% as allowed by its Federal Communications Commission's license.  WJMJ's new transmitter broadcasts both the traditional FM signal on 88.9 FM as well as three digital HD Radio channels.  Listeners with HD Radio receivers in their cars, homes or businesses will hear a superior quality sound on HD-1, the channel simultaneously carrying WJMJ’s music and information mix.  On the other HD channels, listeners can hear Catholic programming from EWTN Global Catholic Radio. The EWTN programs are in Spanish on WJMJ HD-2 and in English on WJMJ HD-3.  This allows WJMJ to better serve an audience that wants to hear traditional Catholic programming and Connecticut’s growing Hispanic population.  WJMJ extends it broadcast reach with repeater translators located in Hamden at 93.1 FM and New Haven at 107.1 FM.  With its broadcast network, WJMJ is able to reach and serve a vast listening audience throughout central and south western Connecticut and south central Massachusetts; and globally with its live Internet stream.

ORTV, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and is included as a subordinate organization under a Group Exemption Ruling issued by the IRS to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).  As indicated in the most recent IRS Group Ruling Determination Letter, contributions to the subordinate organizations included in the USCCB group ruling are deductible for federal income, estate and gift tax purposes under sections 170, 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. 

As a non-profit organization and a non-commercial radio station, WJMJ relies on the charitable contributions from faithful listeners like you to continue to provide the quality programming that you've come to appreciate as well as enable WJMJ to introduce new programming.  If you would like to make a tax deductible charitable contribution in support of WJMJ please visit our Donate Now page or mail your check or money order, made payable to WJMJ to:  WJMJ Radio, 15 Peach Orchard Road, Prospect, CT  06712-1052.  Your support is greatly appreciated!

WJMJ Public Inspection File

In accordance with the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) rules, WJMJ as a licensee of a FM station in the noncommercial educational broadcast services shall maintain a public inspection file containing the material, relating to that station, described in paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(11) of 47 CFR 73.3527.

Since March 1, 2018, WJMJ's public inspection file has been hosted on the FCC's web site at:

Any person with issues or questions related to the content of the public inspection file should contact the station's Chief Operator at (860) 242-8800 or email

Event Announcements 

If you would like to have your church, community or non-profit organization event announced on WJMJ please complete our online submission form or send the following information via "snail" mail:  Attn: Events, WJMJ Radio, 15 Peach Orchard Rd, Prospect, CT  06712-1052.

Please include a contact name and telephone number, name of the organization, name or title of the event, date(s) and time(s) of the event, and a brief and concise description of the event as you would like to hear it announced.  Please be sure to include any deadlines.  For example, we wouldn't want to announce an event on the day of, that required a reservation a week in advance.

WJMJ reserves the right to accept or reject any event announcement submission at its sole discretion.  This service is provided free-of-charge to qualifying non-profit organizations only.

Our Mission

WJMJ is a non-profit, educational, non-commercial FM radio station (licensed to Saint Thomas Seminary and operated by ORTV, Inc.) whose mission is to evangelize, educate, inform and inspire.  WJMJ accomplishes its mission by providing values oriented programming including inspirational and classical music programs, news breaks (local, state, national, international and religious), and educational and public affairs programs that focus on both local and national issues of concern and/or interest to its constituents in the communities that it serves.

Contact Us

To contact the current On-Air announcer, you can contact them directly via telephone at (203) 758-0707 or e-mail at:  studio @ (without the spaces).  These are the best and fastest ways to reach the On-Air announcer.  If you wish to send station management your comments and thoughts about WJMJ, you can e-mail them to:  comments @ (without the spaces) or leave us a message on the WJMJ Listener Line at (203) 805-5045.

You may also contact us via regular "snail" mail.  Our mailing address is:

WJMJ Radio
15 Peach Orchard Road
Prospect, CT  06712-1052

Please note that this is a new mailing address for WJMJ and all correspondence and donations should be mailed to this address to ensure your correspondence or donation is not delayed in reaching us.  Please do not send any mail to the former Bloomfield address.

Our telephone numbers are:  (860) 242-8800 in the Hartford area; (203) 758-7367 in the Waterbury/New Haven area; or outside the local calling areas toll-free (877) DIAL WJMJ (342-5956).  Our fax number is (203) 758-7371.  And our general station e-mail address is:  wjmj @ (without the spaces).

News from The Vatican

If the Vatican Widget does not appear above, we are experiencing technical difficulties connecting to the Vatican news service. You can connect directly at

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Please address email regarding our programs to programming @, and remember to remove the spaces!
@FrJohnGatzak @WJMJRadio
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WJMJ Public Inspection File             WJMJ Public File Help
Bringing Good News to Life®, WJMJ® and Where Faith Meets Life® are registered trademarks and/or service marks of ORTV, Inc.
15 Peach Orchard Road, Prospect, Connecticut 06712-1052
Telephones: (860) 242-8800 in the Hartford area • (203) 758-7367 in the Waterbury/New Haven area
Outside the local calling areas Toll-free (877) 342-5956
Fax: (203) 758-7371
E-mail addresses: ortv @ • wjmj @
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Bringing Good News To Life® since 1953

For questions or comments about the content of this page or website please e-mail us at ortv @ (without spaces).
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